Unique problems call for unique solutions. Our highly qualified and multi-talented team will provide the right water treatment system for your project. With LRT’s turnkey approach, we can manage any range of water treatment problems you may be facing, including:
We understand that water treatment goes beyond our systems. Water treatment is an advanced science that takes skill and experience. We know how daunting our work can be to our clients. Unlike our competitors we will never leave a job unattended. LRT works with you, to help guide you through the work together. LRT provides skilled personnel including wastewater treatment operators for the job to ensure optimal system performance.
Mike is Vice President at LRT and has over 24 years of experience in construction, with over 15 years of experience in dewatering and wastewater treatment.
Tony is a General Superintendent at LRT with over 30 years of dewatering, environmental construction and remediation experience. He specializes in the construction, installation and O&M of dewatering and water treatment systems.